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Partners of the Firm

J P Legal Associates > Partners of the Firm

Adv. Swapnil Balkrishna Joshi


Being one of the main pillars of the firm Adv. Swapnil contributes his knowledge and skills of profession to solve many kinds of legal complications.
He started practice since February 2007 at Aurangabad mainly in Criminal and Service Law and in the meanwhile he worked with M/s. Vigil Juris an esteemed law firm from Mumbai for 2 years in the field of litigation and corporate.
Adv. Joshi possesses additional qualification in Intellectual Property Rights and has completed certificate course in Intellectual Property Rights from World Intellectual Property Organization, Geneva.
Long experience of handling various kinds of legal cases and matters has brought a treasure of practical knowledge with him that reflects in his consultancy.
An enthusiast, intellectual and visionary advocate always brings practically positive solutions to legal issues and complications, so does Adv. Swapnil.

Adv. Swapnil Sudhakar Patunkar


Practicing since August 2006 at Aurangabad mainly in the vast field of Civil Litigation in Bombay High Court Adv Patnurkar also deals with matters in various courts at Aurangabad. Adv. Patunkar has obtained Diploma in Intellectual Property Rights and has cleared intermediate examination of Company Secretary.

He possesses skills to handle the matters pertaining to agricultural lands and also in Debt Recovery Tribunal. Adv. Patunkar has proficiency to deal with matters related to Revenue, Securitization, Co-operative, Town Planning, Tenancy, Ceiling etc. Civil matter is his specialty and area of interest.

Professional approach, commitment towards client and determination for work are the personality features of Adv. Patunkar.